Issues: Senator Joe Manchin got half of 1,000,000 greenbacks from fossil gasoline lobbyists within the final quarter; Colin Powell dies from Covid issues; Kyrsten Sinema is a psychopath; Handiest bigots name it „Assassinate Culture;“ #ColinPowell #JoeManchin #KyrstenSinema #Netflix #Transphobia #CancelCulture #DavidFeldmanShow Guests With Time Codes (2:24) David Does The Data
(1:06:00) Dave Sirus (SNL, Fox’s Let’s Be Right, and King of Staten Island)
(1:32:21) Mark Breslin (founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, most attention-grabbing comedy chain in North The US)
(2:00:30) „I’m On My Methodology“ written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
(2:05:12) Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue The US PAC and creator of Down With Tyranny)
(2:35:47) David Cobb (environmental activist and Inexperienced Celebration Presidential candidate)
(3:00:00) Dr. Harriet Fraad (host of „Capitalism Hits House“)
(3:29:52) Dan Frankenberger’s Neighborhood Billboard
(3:35:46) Professor Adnan Husain („Guerrilla History“ and „The Majlis“ podcasts) with Michael Klare (Michael Klare, director of the 5 College Program in Peace and World Security Research)
discuss about Sane US-China Protection
(4:12:46) Professor Ann Li and Professor Adnan Husain
(4:36:52) Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois)
(5:16:51) Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist) performed „Crypto Asset Song“ written by Professor Mike Steinel that comprises Rosana Eckert